Monday, April 04, 2005

Government & the Individual

Why can’t the government run the way I envision? With true leadership. Doing what’s right, not what is going to enable reelection or proper status. Large money-laden lobbying groups, PACs, religious organizations, etc. certainly get their desires on the desks of our elected officials. Why can't I? Or, why can't we who are likely the majority, but are not being heard over the yelps of special interests.

Don't misunderstand. I live on the left side of the political/social/economic continuum. But it just seems that few have the "greater good" of the whole in mind. I believe that if every eligible voter would relish the responsibility and the opportunity to vote, our one easy way to express ourselves to the government, so much would be different. But, alas, many of us waste that opportunity saying "my vote will not matter".

I suggest we all give it a try. 100% voter turnout next election and let's just see what happens! Each individual voter exhibiting true community values, doing what’s right, not what is best for one.


utenzi said...

Maybe they don't do that because then they would not get re-elected, Utopia gal. And staying in office is the name of the game. Witness former Senators Kerry and Edwards.

Utopia said...

But utenzi, that's the point!! Oh that people could look beyond themselves to the greater good of the whole. Thus NOT working to get re-elected but to make positive change.

But thanks for reading and commenting!

utenzi said...

You're limited to the cantidates that are on the ballot, Utopia--and last time I checked they're all petty much the same. How do you strike this blow for liberty if all the candidates are 'business-like-usual'?

Utopia said...

No doubt about it, utenzi. Each individual has to become more involved in their communities and their world. No more status quo. But overhaul. The silent majority steps up to the challenge and begins to infiltrate the establishment.

utenzi said...

So what you really mean is that it's not the voting that we need to do, but rather more normal people need to run for office. Only that way will there be change. Just voting for the normal rascals is simply spinning your wheels.

Utopia said...

Utenzi, I think I wrote what I really meant. Perhaps not eloquently, but truthfully and with the passion that I feel about the problem. Get involved in the process!

You are very good at spinning my words!

utenzi said...

Vote? Me??? Vote! LOL