Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"The world let its guard down after 9/11"...HUH??!!

I'm enraged. Did you happen to see the cnn.com article "Blair: World slept after 9/11"?

WE, the WORLD, slept!!!???? How dare he! Who was it that diverted attention, money, military resources, etc to IRAQ? It for damned sure wasn't "the world".

Our leaders may have gone to sleep on terrorism, but the world did not.


utenzi said...

Too funny, Utopia. Blair was just making a "rallying call" type of speech and it's pretty standard that you have to say that you lost the edge before you can make the call to arms. No reason to be upset. LOL

Utopia said...

Utenzi, I agree with the rallying cry but blaming the world is inappropriate. The world didn't choose to go to Iraq.

Papacool, I agree we're no more united. Nor will we be with current leadership and policy in place.

We, the world, need to do better in choosing leaders and speaking our minds.

utenzi said...

"We the world"? Are we about to burst into song?

utenzi said...

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